
Below you will find a mixture of resources that you may find will help in your journey of getting to know who the Seventh-day Adventist people are, what they believe, and why they love Jesus so much and His word.

Bible Prophecy

The Days of Noah (trailer only) How history repeats itself, and what one can expect in the final days.

Elephant in the Room - Ivor Meyers Series

What's Up Prof - Walter Vieth speaks of current events and how they connect with Bible prophecy

Biblical teachings/Sermons/Studies

Audio verse (sermons, bible readings, songs and audio books)

Amazing Facts Free on-line Bible Studies

Discover Bible Prophecy - David Asscherick series

Knowing Jesus Bible Study

Voice of Prophecy Free on-line Bible Studies

It's All about Jesus - Lee Vendon Series

The Blueprint - Ivor Meyers Series

Messiah's Mansion - life scale of the earthly sanctuary

White Horse Ministry - Steve Wohlberg

Secrets Unsealed - Steven Bohr

Amazing Facts - Doug Batchelor

Voice of Prophecy - Shawn Boonstra

It Is Written - John Bradshaw 


Children Resources

3ABN Kids Time Bible Camp

Discovery Mountain with IIW

Amazing Adventure -children's evangelistic series

Kids Club for Jesus

Truth 4 Youth  - youth evangelistic series

Children's Mission stories

The Torch Lighters -   Videos

Eric B Hare mission story sample (can purchase CD's at the Adventist Book Center)

Tiny Tots For Jesus

Kids Camp Sing Along

Generation Youth for Christ (GYC)

Nest Videos


Community Services

Community Services in the Adventist Church


Adventist Education

Education - book

Roseburg Christian Academy Pre K - 8th grade

Milo Adventist Academy 9th - 12th grade

Walla Walla University 


Ellen G White/Prophet

What does it mean to be a prophet?

What Seventh-day Adventist believe about the prophetic gift

Ellen White Estate

The test of a true prophet

End Time Living

Prepare to Stand

Country Living - book

Preparing for the crisis - Mark Finley 

End Time Signs - Ted Wilson


Ed Reed Financial Stewardship

Dave Ramsey - Financial Peace Seminar

Finacial Education Seminar - Steve Wohlberg


Adventist Health Ministries

Home Health Treatments with Barbra O'Neil

AMEN Ministry - Adventist Medical Evangelism Network

Umpqua Valley Veg Education Group 

Walking with the Doc 

Walking away the pounds

Altering Alzheimer's - video from 3abn

Natural sources to lower blood pressure - video with Dr. David DeRose

Natural Remedies Encyclopedia

Seventh-day Adventist Health reform history

THRIVE - health resource magazine

Cook Book - Auto immune Plant Base Cookbook 

Lifestyle Medicine

Life Changing Books

On-line Bible

Oregon Adventist Book Center

Ellen White Writings 

The Great Controversy

Steps to Christ

The Desire of Ages

DA with DA - David Asscherick going through each chapter of the Desire of Ages

Marriage & Family

Adventist Children's Ministries

Adventist Family Ministries


Your Marriage God's Way series with Scott La Peirre

Love and Respect with Dr. Emerson Eggerich

Family worship with 3ABN

Media / Music -

Little Light Ministries

Shepherds Call Ministries - Distraction Dilemma series

Mental and Physical Health

(Abuse Recovery, Addiction Recovery, Depression Recovery, LGBTQ+)

Rising Above Abuse with David Machado

True Step Ministries with Cheri' Peters

Depression Recovery with Neil Nedley

Coming Out Ministries

WILD - abuse recovery

Amazing Health Summit -Healing for the Body, Mind and Spirit

EQ Summit

Pornography addiction recovery

End It Now - Seventh-day Adventist against violence.

Human Trafficking awareness 

Forgiveness/Bitterness - True story of a Seventh-day Adventist missionary couple


Adventist Frontier Missions

Adventist Missions - Mission Spot light

Mission 360 (Current mission stories-video)

Impact Hope



ANN - Adventist News Network

Adventist Review - The general paper for the Seventh-day Adventist world church

The Gleaner - The North Pacific Union paper

Adventist World News


United Prayer Works (video on the power of prayer)

Prayer Resources

10 Days of Prayer

Intercessory Prayer - Pavel Goia



Better life Broadcasting Network

Three Angles Broadcasting Network

The Hope TV

    Adventist World Radio

Lifetalk Radio - Kids Radio and way more

Revival and Reformation

Revival and Reformation 

Daily Devotional

Seventh-day Adventist's 

Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist 

Sabbath School Bible Study Guide

Seventh-day Adventist Directory of resources

Why do Seventh-day Adventist keep the 7th day Sabbath?

Tell The World - The history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (video)

The Adventists - The benefits of a healthy lifestyle (video)






Uplifting Music

Laura Williams                                                                    Sandra Enterman - Friday night sing along

Scott Bennet                                                                         Matt and Josie Minikus                                            The Mace Brothers

Fountainview Academy Singers                                  The Kings Heralds                                                       Pillars of our Faith

Marleta Fong                                                                         Scripture Lullabies                                                    Jamie Jorge

Praise Him Now